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No to Haversham Wind Farm


The scale of this development means that Haversham, Little Linford, Gayhurst, Castlethorpe, Hanslope, Tyringham and Lathbury as well as Oakridge, Newport Pagnell and Wolverton will be affected the most, with significant damage to their visual and leisure amenities.
House prices may be reduced by between 25 to 50% for people living within 1-2km of a wind farm according to independent studies, with some people unable to sell at all.

Many people living close to wind farms have reported health problems and lack of sleep caused by the noise, shadow flicker and electro-magnetic radiation.

The Davis family from Lincolnshire have launched a High Court action, seeking compensation from the landowers and developers. They have been driven from their home and forced to rent a property further away from the turbines; a fact recognised by their local authority who have zero rated their former house.

The industrial wind farm proposed by RWE Npower will be visible, by their own admission, for miles around - right across Milton Keynes and as far away as Luton. Thousands of people will be affected to some degree or another.

And, of course, we all suffer with the higher and higher prices we are being charged for electricity to pay for this inefficient technology to be installed.